Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Typical Sunday Morning

Sunday mornings at our house are CRAZY!! John has a staff meeting every Sunday morning, that way each minister can get his area prepared for morning worship and activities. So for us that means Daddy leaves before the kids get up and it's Mommy's job to get the other 5 (herself + all 4 kids) ready by herself! Church begins at 9:30 which typically means Mommy has to get up by 6:30 to get everything ready to actually leave on time. Part of the morning is spent nursing Brooklyn and pumping, so Brooklyn will have enough milk for Mommy to go to church and Sunday School without having to miss any to feed her. The boys typically take showers or baths at night so I don't have to fool with it in the mornings. However sometimes they have such bad bed head that it is easier for them to jump in the tub, get their hair wet and brush their teeth. It takes less time to do that than to try and calm their crazy hair down. I have already gotten their clothes out but I think I probably have to tell them 5 times a piece to get their socks on, shoes, etc. And it never fails that either Brookie will have an explosion and need an impromptu bath or Brantley will have peed his bed. I always have to factor in an extra 30 minutes for the "unknown". And every week I think we use that extra time. Breakfast is usually eaten in the van on the way to church, and sometimes if we have enough time we may stop and get donuts. I usually bribe them with donuts to get them to hurry up and get ready the first time I ask instead of the 3rd or 4th time!! Brantley has to have at least one glass of chocolate milk before we can leave. I tend to let them watch cartoons or turn on a movie so that I can finish getting ready and pack the van. We usually get to church right on time. We rarely ever get there early, but I am doing the best I can! I try and remember that the most important thing is that we are going, and try not to let the other cause me to be so stressed that we get in bad moods. Satan is against everything God is for. And God wants us to get up and go worship at His house with His people!! So the devil is going to try and do anything and everything to corrupt that. I try and hold my cool if I am frustrated when they are not listening. Sometimes I am able to and sometimes not. We always pray on the way to church to prepare our hearts for worship and for Sunday School. I pray for each kid's salvation and that they would learn more about Jesus each time we go! If it is a morning when I have not been able to keep my cool, I always pray for forgiveness (out loud) as well as asking for the boys' forgiveness too. Even though it is a lot of work, I would not have Sunday mornings any other way (well maybe the part of Daddy not being home with us)!! I am thankful that we still have the privilege of actually going to church and worship freely!! I am thankful that Jesus loved us so much that he died for our sins!! I am thankful the kids have such wonderful teachers to add to the teachings they are already receiving from home! I am so thankful for such sweet friends that John and I have made to encourage us on our journey together!! In conclusion Sundays are crazy and absolutely amazing at the same time!! We love Jesus, we love church and Mommy loves Sunday Naps!!!

Today we were actually running a little ahead of schedule and I was able to snap a few photos before we left for church!!

"But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” (Mark 10:14, 15 NKJV)

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