Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Colton may need to live in a Bubble!!

Last Thursday afternoon (February 27, 2014), John calls and asks me how late the pediatrician office stays open. I ask why and he proceeds to tell me that Colton smashed his finger in between 2 weight plates! I told him to text me a pic!

I received this picture!! I called him back and told him that he needed to take Colton to the ER not a doctors office!! I was so torn about what to do. I had just picked up Jackson from school and had the other 3 with me! I needed to feed Brooklyn (and since I am nursing, right now I am the only one who can do that), and I also needed to help Jackson study for his tests. I am the only one who helps him and I didn't want to throw him off on his tests for Friday. I talked to Colton and decided that what was best for the family was for me to stay home with the others and then when Colton got home to love on him!! He was in such good hands: Daddy was with him, my best friend Jennifer, who is also a Lebonheur ER nurse, was there and shortly after Nana made her way down there too!! Although I knew he would be fine, it still broke this momma's heart not to be able to be there with him!! I have been there for every boo boo he has had up until now! :(  But when you have four children, I have learned, that you can't always be right there. I am so thankful for such wonderful family and friends who love us and our kids and are willing to do whatever to help us out!! 
Once they got to Lebonheur they took Colton for x-rays. Thankfully nothing was broken!! He did not injure any bone, only soft tissue. There was so much pressure built up in his little finger that they had to poke a hole in his nail! They gave him some wonderful medicine up his nose to take the edge off, and then they gave him a nerve block in his finger! I was getting texts and pictures the whole time so I wouldn't feel left out!!

Earlier that week Colton threw his Tabeo (kind of like an IPad for kids) and it almost hit Brooklyn, so his punishment was no electronic devices for a week including IPads. He went around telling everyone that he was " banished"!! While he was in the ER, a child life specialist came in with an IPad to keep him occupied while they sewed up his finger. Daddy had to tell him it was ok to play with the IPad!! Lol 

The doctor did the best he could with what he had to work with. Colton ended up getting 6 stitches!! 

We were told to go to the pediatrician's office to remove his stitches in a week. It was bandaged when he got home so it was the next morning before I saw his stitches for the first time. It was worse than I expected when I unwrapped his bandage. It looked like a black caterpillar was eating his flesh!! Nasty, nasty!! And the left over tissue that they couldn't stitch up looked like fish eggs hanging out!! Again yucky, yucky!! 

Sunday morning I really started to worry about his finger because his tip started to look very black!! I was worried because I didn't want any infection to get into his blood stream and cause further damage! I was planning in taking him to the doctor Monday to get it checked out but we had Winterstorm 2014 and the roads were extremely icy. I ended up taking him on Tuesday. We saw Dr. Saino and he was a little worried so he wanted to send him to an orthopedic surgeon just to be on the safe side!! We were sent directly to Campbell Clinic where we saw Dr. Beaty. He said to come back on Friday to remove his stitches. From there we will see if he needs a skin graft or if it can heal on its own. I will keep the blog updated on what they tell us!! For now I will just end with a few more pics!!

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